Design a Game

API Architecture

Criteria Meet Specification

Is the project architected as a Web Service API using Google App Engine?

Project is architected as a Web Service API using Google App Engine.

API Implementation

Criteria Meet Specification

Is a new type of game implemented with additional features?

A new type of game is implemented with additional game logic or features (such as 2-player games). The new game is not a copy of Guess a Number, such as Guess a Date. If it is a guessing game like Hangman, additional features are included (partial reveal of the solution over time).

Are illegal moves handled gracefully?

"Illegal" moves are handled gracefully by the API. For example, if implementing Tic-Tac-Toe, if a User tries to play a square that has already been filled - the server will respond with an error message explaining that the move is illegal. There should be no 'Internal Server Errors' so long as User input is otherwise properly formed.

Resource Containers

Criteria Meet Specification

Do endpoints make use of appropriate Resource Containers?

All endpoints make use of sensible Resource Containers.

New Endpoints Created

Criteria Meet Specification

Is get_user_games endpoint is implemented properly?

get_user_games is implemented as specified by Task 3 in the project description.

Is cancel_game endpoint is implemented properly?

cancel_game is implemented as specified by Task 3 in the project description.

Is get_high_scores endpoint is implemented properly?

get_high_scores is implemented as specified by Task 3 in the project description.

Is get_user_rankings endpoint is implemented properly?

get_user_rankings is implemented as specified by Task 3 in the project description.

Is get_game_history endpoint is implemented properly?

get_game_history is implemented as specified by Task 3 in the project description.

Appropriate use of HTTP Methods

Criteria Meet Specification

Do additional endpoints make use of appropriate HTTP methods?

Additional endpoints make use of appropriate HTTP methods. Meaning GET only reads, and Postwrites to Datastore.

Task Queues

Criteria Meet Specification

Does the email reminder cronjob handler only notify Users needing a reminder?

The email reminder cronjob handler is modified so that only Users 'needing' a reminder (actual logic up to the student) is modified.

Code Readability

Criteria Meet Specification

Are comments present and do they effectively explain longer code procedures?

Comments are present and effectively explain longer code procedures.


Criteria Meet Specification

Is the new game documented in a file?

The new game is documented in a file, with explanation of the rules and score-keeping.

Is the API documented in a file?

The API is documented in a file so that users can understand how to use the API without reading the source code.

Did the student reflect on their design decisions in a text file?

The student has meaningfully reflected on their design decisions and recorded their reflections in a text file (preferably named Design.txt).

Tips to make your project standout:

  • Design a front end for your game.
  • Implement OAuth so that a user would have to sign in to play the game(you can play around with how you want to decide the permissions a user would have in your game).